Business At A Glance
Startup Costs: Under $2,000
Home Based: Can be operated from home.
Part Time: Can be operated part-time.
Online Operation? Yes
Business Overview
Network marketing is one of the hottest retail industries out there. Itfunctions on the idea that you sell products to people who in turn sellto other people who sell to other people . . . and so on. Networkmarketing programs feature a minimal upfront investment–usually a fewhundred dollars or less for the purchase of a product sample kit–whichgives you the opportunity to sell the product line directly to family,friends and other contacts.
Most network programs also ask that yourecruit other sales reps–those same family members, friends andacquaintances. These sales rep recruits constitute your ‘downline,’ andtheir sales generate income for you. Then whoever they recruit becomespart of their downline as well as yours, generating income for them aswell as for you.
So the more people you bring on board, the better yourincome potential. If you’re a sales-savvy type who can convince othersof the beauty of this plan and keep them selling sales memberships (aswell as products), you can earn a substantial amount of money. Andyou’ve got lots of network marketing plans to choose from.
The mostpopular sell health supplements and beauty aids, but you can go witheverything from long-distance phone services to fine art prints. Theadvantages to this business are that start-up costs are minimal, hoursare flexible, you can start part-time, and you can work from home.
About the only thing you need in this business is a sense ofsalesmanship. If you’ve got a background in sales, you’re ahead of thegame, but if not, you can still succeed. Just make sure you believe inthe products and the company you’re working with. Honest enthusiasmgoes a long way toward convincing others to buy.
The Market
Your customers will be anybody and everybody you know or meet. Mostnetwork marketers start off soliciting friends and family. If there areothers working for the same company in your area, they may haveorganized weekly meetings at which salespeople and prospects gather tocheer each other on and sign up new members.
If so, make it a point toattend with your own prospects. It’s harder for people to decline yourinvitation to join in a room full of other enthusiastic newbies. Inthis business, it’s important to keep your distributors selling. Don’tsell them a membership and ignore them, or they’re liable to drop downtheir link in the chain.
Talk to them often about how they’re doing. Gowith them on sales calls to offer moral support and enthusiasm and helpsign up prospects. Many network marketers sell via the party plan. It’seasy and it’s fun. Have a host or hostess invite friends to sample yourproducts. You sell products, sign people up, and the party-giver gets afree gift or a discount on her purchases.
Needed Equipment
You don’t need any special tools or equipment, except for a phone tokeep in touch with your distributors, parent company and prospects, anda car to go out and sign people up and attend the weekly pep-talkmeetings that are a feature of this business.