Business At A Glance
Startup Costs: $10,000 – $50,000
Online Operation? No
Business Overview
In spite of the popularity of Internetnewsgroups and news Web sites, the good old-fashioned corner newsstandis here to stay. In fact, the arrival of the Internet has onlyincreased the public’s desire for information’electronic or print.
Starting a newsstand retail business requires getting in touch with oneof the many distributors that carry just about every kind of magazine,publication, and newspaper you can imagine, and so building allianceswith hundreds of publishers is not required.
Additionally, mostdistributors of publications in every form have a buy-back policy,meaning that once the publication is out of date it is returned andthere is no charge levied for it. The key to a successful andprofitable newsstand business is diversification; the business shouldalso provide customers with product selections such as lottery tickets,cigars, and snack items.