Business At A Glance
Startup Costs: Under $2,000
Home Based: Can be operated from home.
Part Time: Can be operated part-time.
Online Operation? Yes
Business Overview
It’s a fact that more than six billionpeople inhabit this planet and the vast majority of people wear somesort of clothing to bed that was purposely designed for being slept in.That is one gigantic potential marketplace, thus creating an excitingbusiness opportunity.
There are various options available for startingthis business, so consider these options:
- Purchase various styles of sleepwear on a wholesale basis and hostin-home sleepwear parties that generate orders for your products. Design and manufacture your own line of sleepwear and wholesale yourproducts to retailers.
- Create a sleepwear website that enables visitors to create their ownsleepwear by selecting style, size and fabric.
- Design and sell patterns used for creating sleepwear and let consumerssew their own from the patterns.
- Secure the licensing rights to popular children’s program charactersor themes and incorporate them into sleepwear for kids.