Discovering the franchise
“It was pure coincidence that I found out about Body20. The franchisor sent out an email blast when the brand was being launched. Even though I didn’t have a background in physical fitness at all, there was something about the franchise that instantly appealed to me.”
Life before Body20
“My previous life — it really does feel like my ‘previous life’ — was very different to my life as a Body20 franchisee. I was an attorney for 15 years. Joining this franchise has been a breath of fresh air. My husband (and business partner) Bruce is still in finance, but between the two of us, he is the sporty one.”
The appeal of the brand
“After leaving the first interview with franchisor Bertus Albertse, Bruce and I were in complete agreement – the franchise might be young, but everything it stands for immediately resonated with both of us. We saw it had huge growth potential.”
Making a difference
“Working with people and making a positive difference in their lives has always been a passion for me. The nature of the business appealed to me on so many levels, it felt as if I had come home! I knew first-hand the frustration that comes from not having time to train, so the idea of being able to offer a solution to busy people made me very excited.”
Incredible technology
“Electro-muscle stimulation (EMS) is the way of the future. It allows busy people to train in as little as twenty minutes a week, and allows fitness fanatics to reach a new level in their training. Body20 is leading the way, but this technology will become mainstream very soon.”
The early days
“Honestly, the first days were very scary, but also very exciting. It was a whirlwind of activity — going through the franchisee training, finding premises, wrestling with landlords for lease applications, getting to know the devices — all while planning our wedding as well! To put this in perspective: From making the decision to opening our studio took a mere three months.
“I used to be at the studio from 5h00 to 21h00 every day. It was tough, but as the owner I had to make sure that the running of the studio was done in a manner that did ourselves and the brand proud. The long hours bore fruit quickly resulting in a team I can delegate to with confidence.”
Help from the franchisor
“We have the best franchisor ever. He has been 100% involved in every aspect of our business.
“He encourages open communication and his support is real – he isn’t removed from your business. He does personal in-studio visits, makes the time to personally spend time with the champs (our trainers) to ensure optimal training quality and also develop them in the operational side of the business. As owners, we also have ongoing training to ensure that we stay on top of our game and grow with the brand.”
Her team
“I have an incredible team that loves what we do just as much as I do. This enables me to be out and about to connect with people and market our studio, but I do spend as much time as possible at the studio daily. Apart from the fact that I love being there, it is very important to me to build a personal relationship with as many of my clients as I can.”
Advice for newbies
“This is not a ‘sideline’ business. It is a heart-and-soul, sweat-blood-and-tears business. But it is also the most rewarding thing you will ever do. Be ready for hard work. Be mentally prepared to put your life on hold for a little while and be involved in every single aspect of your business.
“Also, read. Educate yourself on everything – from training regimes to business management to self-development. We work with people every single day, and the better you understand and know human nature and behaviour, the better you will be able to handle your employees and your clients.”