Established: | 1993 | |||
Initial Franchise Fee: | R110 000.00 ex VAT | |||
Set-up Costs: | From R1.8 million ex VAT (incl establishment cost, joining fee & working capital) | |||
Management Fees: | 6% of turnover | |||
Marketing Fees: | 4% of turnover | |||
FASA Member: | Yes | |||
Contact: |
About the Franchise
Maxi’s was founded in Pretoria in 1993, by an entrepreneur who saw an opportunity in the market for a family restaurant that would offer a wide range of affordable, high-quality food.
In 2005, Maxi’s was acquired by Scooters Pizza (Pty) Ltd. Both brands, along with St. Elmo’s, Fish & Chip Co, Zebro’s, Domino’s Pizza and Starbucks now forms part of the Taste Food Division, operating under the holding company, Taste Holdings Ltd.
Franchisee selection criteria
A successful business is driven by hands-on individual who understands the importance of superior service delivery and who is willing to commit the necessary time to build a successful business.
Franchisor support
All new franchisees and their staff undergo an intensive five-week training programme comprising theoretical and practical training. Training covers all aspects of store management, including marketing, finance, point of sale, stock control, food cost, day-to-day running of the restaurants, hygiene and safety, and menu break-down.
Training is ongoing with monthly courses to build people capability. Each store has a dedicated franchise manager who is the main communication channel between the franchisee and franchisor. The relevant franchise manager conducts scheduled and unscheduled visits to each store on a regular basis to discuss specified areas of the business and to assess operational compliance.
Maxi’s business philosophy is to provide franchisees with direction, support and guidance, assisting them in growing a successful business by building their teams’ capability through coaching and supporting.
Your investment
Set-up costs start from an estimated R2 million (excl Vat) depending on the size of the site. (These are estimates only) Set-up costs include: Building, equipment, working capital, joining fee and training. Of the total cost, 50% is required in unencumbered cash.
Monthly royalties are calculated as a percentage of net monthly turnover and enable the franchisor to give ongoing support and service.
Marketing royalties cover national advertising, promotions and other activities which benefit the Maxi’s network.
Application process
- Go to
- Go to franchising section on website
- Go to contacts or apply under quick navigation
- Download and fill in the brand document.