Established: | 1973 | |||
Initial Franchise Fee: | $45 500 | |||
Set-up Costs: | R950 000 – R1,3m | |||
Management Fees: | 6% | |||
Marketing Fees: | NA | |||
FASA Member: | No | |||
Contact: |
About the Franchise
For over 35 years Minuteman Press has led the way in the digital printing and graphics industry, developing a unique business model that offers products and services for every business need. Stores operate in normal Monday through Friday hours, offer attractive margins and require no prior experience. Minuteman Press International was once again rated #1 Printing Franchise in the printing industry by Entrepreneur Magazine, US (January, 2012).
As a Minuteman Press owner, you will have a unique place in the printing industry with the capability to serve virtually all the printing needs a business may have. In addition, you will find the business to be a creative one. It’s challenging and exciting and will allow you to test your abilities and potential.
You will own your business but be secure and have peace of mind knowing that the franchisor has the experience and is available to assist, educate, guide, and work with you on an ongoing basis to develop your business.
Franchisee selection criteria
An ideal Minuteman Press franchisee should be outgoing, hardworking and highly motivated with a high regard for service excellence and the ability to follow systems. Prior experience in the printing industry is not required.
As a Minuteman Press franchisee you will attend a two week training programme in Farmingdale USA. Franchisees are taught the technical and business skills that are required to effectively manage a Minuteman Press franchise. If deemed necessary, Minuteman Press will conduct on-site training for franchise employees.