Established: | 2014 | |||
Initial Franchise Fee: | R135 000 | |||
Set-up Costs: | R30 000 | |||
Management Fees: | 7% of registration fees | |||
Marketing Fees: | 3% of registration fees | |||
FASA Member: | No | |||
Contact: |
About the Franchise
Our programmes encourage entrepreneurial thinking and spark the entrepreneurial spirit in young people. More specifically our programmes allow kids to discover money and business through play and a collection of fun interactive, multi-media minds-on and hands-on activities, games, simulations, videos and online applications.
Cultivating entrepreneurship in the young is vital, as children are born imaginative, energetic, and willing to take risks, but without entrepreneurial education, the enterprising spirit of children dramatically declines over time and is almost non-existent by the time they graduate from high school.
Yes, through children’s involvement with Young Entrepreneurs they will gain invaluable business-, life- and financial literacy skills from the experience of starting their own micro-enterprise, and more importantly we will create awareness of entrepreneurship as a very attractive career choice.
The world has changed, and we need to empower and capacitate our children to be the authors of their own destiny. We inspire the young to live their dreams, and make up for the gaps left by an educational system that ill prepares students for the world of work and business.
The importance of entrepreneurship and financial literacy education cannot be over-emphasised. We need to build confidence and create awareness in children and give them the knowledge, skills and ability to become entrepreneurs and this can only be done by exposing them to business principles and allowing them to ‘experience’ money.
Ideal Franchisee Profile
A typical franchisee should be energetic, enthusiastic, vibrant and have a passion for working with young children. You need to be bilingual and educational training & experience are recommended, but not a prerequisite.