Vital Stats
- Company name: Khula Enterprise Finance
- Contact telephone number: +27 (0)11 807 8464
- Physical address:7 Mellis Road, Rivonia, 2128
- Website address:
Company Profile
Khula Enterprise Finance Ltd is dedicated to the development and sustainability of small business enterprises in South Africa. A leader in its field, it has a proud history of more than 13 years service of involvement in the rapidly growing and economically vital, small and medium enterprise (SME) sector.
The company is a wholesale finance institution which operates across the public and private sectors, through a network of channels to supply much-needed funding to small business.
Khula’s channels include South Africa’s leading commercial banks, retail financial institutions, specialist funds and joint ventures in which Khula itself is a participant. Its primary aim is to bridge the “funding gap” in the SME market not addressed by commercial financial institutions.
Fund Overview
Khula SME Fund was established to provide early-stage and expansion capital to SMEs.
Purpose of the fund
- Provide early-stage debt funding to qualifying SMEs (majority-owned by South Africans)
- Reach out to SMEs in rural and peri-urban areas of South Africa
- Promotes black economic empowerment
- Improves access to finance
- Create new jobs
- Encourage meaningful economic participation of black South Africans
- Foster entrepreneurship for both men and women in the SME sector.
Applicant criteria
- South African SMEs (preferably black) who hold majority stake in their businesses who seek to start and or grow their businesses.
- South African SMEs who hold majority stake in their businesses situated in rural areas.