Scammers are cunning, so being smart is not enough to safeguard you from Internet con artists.
Protect yourself by subscribing to ScamBusters, the most well known source of information on scams, identity theft, spam and other Internet junk.
Although much of the information is aimed at US visitors, you’ll find lots of great free resources here on how to avoid the most popular scams, identity theft threats, credit card fraud, phishing, lottery scams and urban legends making the rounds all over the world.
The site includes a list of links to some of the most popular articles covering topics such as common Twitter scams, Nigerian scams, and the latest identity theft tricks and techniques.
It also includes resource centres with suggestions for protecting yourself from all sorts of dodgy activities.
In addition, you can search the site for the answer to your specific
question by typing your topic into the search box.
Subscription is free.
For more information, go to