As anyone in the industry will tell you, being in marketing means you need to know a little about everything. After all, when you’re seated at a client’s boardroom table you don’t only need to present great creative works, but also talk-the-talk. This is a lesson I learnt when hitting the “presentation room” – presenting.
Being an outsider in the media circles, coming from a recruiting background, I’ve had to conquer a massive learning curve to get to where I am now. So, over the last few years, I’ve jotted down many lessons I’ve picked up along the way. Here’s what I’ve learnt about running an independent media group.
Find Experts
It should go without saying that if you’re looking to deliver a service that meets your client’s requirements you need to have the best person for the job. At the beginning of my journey there was a lot of role juggling, but with time we’ve been able to recruit the exact right individuals for each task.
A company’s most vital asset is it’s staff. The fact is, without the right team and players a company will collapse.
You Have to Be a People’s Person
There’s no way of escaping it, in the marketing world you need to be able to carry a conversation – about almost anything. As with any industry, success depends heavily on the relationships you can form and build upon over time.
I’ve been known to be a fluent conversationalist in my time, which has been a massive positive to building my company from start-up to a group of companies that employs 200 individuals. If you don’t have the “gift-of-the-gab” I would recommend getting hold of a specialist that can help cultivate this skill.
Don’t Be Afraid to Be Different
Since day one I’ve been determined to remain independent, so I could deliver a service that is different and impactful. While the majority of domestic companies start with the eventual goal of being bought out by an international group, I’ve always wanted to build something that went against the grain.
It’s this differentiating factor that’s been appealing to new clients welcomed into the fold. I pride myself on the fact that we’re known as a company that bucks the trends and does it their own way.
In short, don’t be afraid to be different – people will thank you for it.
Be Ready To Burn The Midnight Oil
As with any massive, life-changing, ambition, it takes a lot of work to achieve your goal. If you’re not into working over weekends, holidays, and the odd birthday, I would advise you to turn around and return to your old position.
Making these sacrifices means you need to love the reward. Otherwise, you’re going to be living a life of built-up resentment. For me, it’s worth it. I still get a kick from delivering a service or product that clients love.
Work Well With Others
Strengthening B2B relationships is key to building your own company and can often lead to new opportunities. A recommendation from a colleague in the industry is genuinely priceless. So, collaborating can result in new business. Those who believe that the bridges they burn will light their way – always land-up running out of bridges – I mean the South African market is a close-knit community.
If you follow the insights above you’ll be on the way of starting your own media group.