Yes. South Africa is in the early adoption stages of green building materials and construction methods, and eco-friendly systems like solar heating, grey water recycling, home automation and water reduction.With government’s move toward a low carbon economy and increasing pressure on resources like electricity and water, ‘going green’ is going to become mainstream.
By integrating green products and services to your business, you’re not only playing your part in creating sustainability and eco-friendliness, you’re broadening your appeal to a growing customer base who are becoming increasingly educated and demanding in relation to being ‘green’.
Consider how your business can incorporate ‘green’ into its existence. This can be through reducing paper, electricity and water waste, as well as growing sustainably. Depending on your kind of business, you can also start supplying green products or get involved in researching and developing green products locally.
An off-putting factor for many would-be greenies is the cost of eco-friendly products. By participating in providing products or services at a cheaper rate because they are produced locally, you can wave your ‘green’ flag proudly knowing it is creating jobs and helping save the planet.