A highly effective part of marketing is referrals, where you get satisfied customers to refer their friends to you.
At the same time they are difficult to secure. A less challenging type of referral is the testimonial, where you get a customer to write – or film – a recommendation of your business based on a positive experience they have had. You then use this in your in-house communication as a poster, on your email newsletter, on your website, or on your social media.
Short video clips from satisfied customers could be a great, versatile way to do it:
“Hamley’s isn’t just a toy store, it’s an experience,” they might say. “My daughter makes me visit there every time we’re in Sandton!”
Or “I don’t really have time to exercise, but I can spare half an hour a week. Luckily, with BodyTec, that’s all I need!”
Or “It’s the best Japanese restaurant in South Africa. I bring all my friends here!”
Service Tip: A quick guide to driving referrals
- Offer excellent service. If your service is good and you build positive relationships, your customers will be more likely to refer.
- Make referrals a key part of your business. Mention to your customers you would love a referral if they are happy. Then ask them for one!
- Make it easy for people to refer their friends. For example, have an informative website or Facebook page that can be shared.
- Incentivise referrals from friends. Offer rewards, free services, cash discounts. Some hotel groups do this.
- Thank referrers to show you appreciate them. This can be done in your newsletter or with a personal email.
- Use testimonials. Showcase testimonials from happy customers on your website or social-media platform. This can be video or text.
- If your service is really great, customers won’t mind you mentioning their name to their friends.
- Contact them and win new clients.
- Dropbox offers free space for referrals.