Thuli Sithole is a firm believer that your personal and business lives mirror each other. “I am my business, and my business is me,” she says. “To grow one, I need to grow the other, and to do that, I need to base my business on my skills set, and believe in the worth of myself, my employees and the service we are offering.”
Today Thuli runs Uthukon Concierge, a niche concierge company that focuses on the value of time — and what people will pay for it, and while she is working hard to make the local market aware of what personal concierge services can offer at an affordable rate, she has also not underpriced her company’s services to gain clientele.
“Before you can tell other people to value their time, you need to believe in your own value,” she says. “I carry this philosophy through in everything I do. We take the time to understand our clients and what is of value to them — and we ensure we have solutions that they need.”
As a service-based business, Thuli’s employees need to be as passionate as she is, and she fuels this by following the mantra that all members of a business are leaders in their own right. “Everyone in our organisation takes a leadership role in what they do,” she says. “My business cannot be based on my own personal skills alone. My employees and contractors need to take ownership of their roles in the future success and growth of the business.”